
Well, another whirlwind of travel is upon me so this will be the last entry for a few weeks. Not that anyone would notice as there are never any comments (hint, hint, nudge wink). Have to go but feel free to comment in my absence...


It's monsoon season in Cinti...love the lovely monsoons. I haven't felt properly dry in 5 days. Weather man extraordinaire, LH, says the storms will be moving out my midnight tonight, but that means another day with bad hair and splash marks on my stockings. Life could be worse, I know, but a week of bad hair is just...bad.

So, I took the plunge and had my first date with someone who responded to my profile online. He is very nice and we had a good time. Unfortunately, we had a particularly nasty thunderstorm right before we met and it knocked out the power at all the restaurants at the complex where we met. So he had a drink in the dark and hoped the power would return but then after a while it became apparent that if we stayed, we'd never get anything to eat and so we went elsewhere. Stupidly I forgot that he isn't that much taller than me and I wore 2"heels. Oops. Anyway, it was a good experience and I'm sure we will go out again once the two of us are both in Cinti at the same time. Travel season is upon me, and him, so no dates for a while.


First off, Happy Birthday to Scott! Hee hee, you old man:> Anyway, I would like to remind everyone that I have known Scott for forever (or so it seems) and I can still remember him in his Mark Twain get-up for the 5th grade presentation thing we did on the 50 states (...fifty, nifty United States from the 13 original colonies...). I was Benjamin Harrison from Indiana. You know, I still remember that darned Fifty Nifty song. So, Happy Birthday Scott and can't wait to see you in a month and 4 days (not that I'm counting)!

So...HP5. I read it twice in one week. Why, yes, I am a nerd. But that's okay by me. Out of respect for those who have not finished their copy, I will refrain from mentioning specific details, but I do want to say that Rowling did an excellent job of capturing the angst-y and moody (no pun intended) parts of the teen years. Okay, I guess I should have said angst-y and moody 24/7, but at any rate, quite an enjoyable book and of course, I can hardly wait for the 6th installment.