
Too tired...

To write about our...exciting, nay, death-defying trip to Cali-for-nee-ya. Seriously. There's nothing like being trapped in the desert in Utah on a Saturday afternoon and being told that your alternator is bad. Fck. Alas, everything is fine and I am back in Ohio laying in my bed. Details will be forthcoming soon as well as some photos taken on the road. All is well except that I miss my husband and my dog and that the house we've called "home" for the last 4+ years no longer feels like "home" without them. Sigh...


The Different Fummer takes a road trip...

We're on our way to Cali and will try to post from the road if we aren't too tired. Stay tuned!


Sticker shock...

And we haven't even moved to CA yet. Michael and I are suffering from a little sticker shock for some things we need to do to get our house ready for the market. We had some anticipated expenses like the purchase of more paint, powerwashing our house, tiling our floor in the kitchen, refinishing the stairs and landing on the second floor... but then we've accumulated additional expenses like some electrical work that needs to be done to the tune of $1100. And our realtor suggested new counter tops in the kitchen (yeah, we're going with new laminate instead). Naturally all the stuff that needs to be done by a professional seems to cost something with 4 figures in it. Blarg.

We're fortunate that Michael's new employer has offered such a generous relocation package but it seems we're going to use an awful lot of that money just to get our house ready to be sold. We haven't even finished running the figures for moving and storing all of our belongings. Sigh...