
Remember me?

I used to blog more frequently than this but that stupid "no blogging at work rule" and the insanity that is my work (at least until July 1st--beginning of the next fiscal year) has kept me from writing insightful and intelligent entries. (snort) Okay, maybe not insightful or intelligent, but I used to blog more than this! I have a few half-finished entries that I might someday post. BUT. Not until they are finished. Which might be never.

So, to recap what's been going on since sometime in March:
  • Shanaynay is having her ACL operation on Friday and thus begins 4 months of the healing process. And that means 4 months of trying to keep my dog from running around the house like a maniac b/c she's bored and isn't allowed to play or take long walks.
  • Amanda had a beautful wedding of which I'm so happy to have been a part.
  • Our friends are seriously hot babes when we're all dressed up.
  • The neo-con Christian crazies are fcking up our access to ALL reproductive health options.
  • Special event planning is not my strong suit--how do people do this professionally?
  • I am wearing flip flops to work for the rest of the week (hee!)
  • Sarah Weddington is my hero!
  • Isn't it July 16th yet?


Alissa said...

hi. I'm glad you're blogging again. More blogging, please. :)

Kelly said...

More blogging. I promise:>

Anonymous said...

1. I once planned an event in college where Sarah W. was our keynote speaker. She kicked ass. After the program, she came back to our off-campus house and hung out with us. I heart her forever.

2. How do I plan special events for a living? With a very good assistant and far too many trips to the office vending machines. I'm a certified stress case.