
I almost wish I could clone myself...

So I could have been at the beach, at home with the dog and on vacation with Michael all at the same time. And maybe my cloned selves would have such a wonderful time as to make up for the fact that I had to share a hotel room with my boss during the 4-day conference we attended. I won't give specifics here but let me just caution you: NEVER, and I mean never, share a hotel room with your boss. Trust me on this.


Anonymous said...

oh Kel. You speak the truth.
As much as I liked the boss that I once shared a room with at a conference, I would have to back you up on that one. The awkward factor is muy muy grande.

was your experience worse than just the awkwardness?

Kelly said...

Unfortunately I saw something I should not have and I don't really like talking about work at 10:30 at night when I'm trying to go to sleep. And it is awkward. Ick. Never, ever again.