
Too tired...

To write about our...exciting, nay, death-defying trip to Cali-for-nee-ya. Seriously. There's nothing like being trapped in the desert in Utah on a Saturday afternoon and being told that your alternator is bad. Fck. Alas, everything is fine and I am back in Ohio laying in my bed. Details will be forthcoming soon as well as some photos taken on the road. All is well except that I miss my husband and my dog and that the house we've called "home" for the last 4+ years no longer feels like "home" without them. Sigh...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know just what you mean... I just loaded up my car with a preliminary load of stuff to take up to Ithaca, and I already sense that looming "between homes" feeling. We will both make it, though, I know.