
A message from my dog...

Where is the Short One who feeds me and walks me and rubs my ears just the way I like? It's Tall Man, Tall Man, Tall Man all the time here...where the hell are we, anyway? Can you believe these people stuck me in a car for 4 days while they drove us past some dirt and rocks and shit?!? Unbelievable. And the Short One was always turning around in her seat to take pictures of me while I tried to sleep. Bitch. Oh, and she's always coming after me with a kleenex in her hand and wiping my eyes. I hate that. And now the Tall Man does it. I'm hungry. I think I'll go bark at a cat that's outside some 3 blocks away. Yeah, and then I'll go sleep under the bed. I wonder what happened to the Short One...? Rub my belly.

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