
Quilt Show Carnies

Ah, yes....the "carnie." In particular, the "quilt show carnie" is the subject of this posting today. While quilt show carnies belong to the same species as the craft show carnie, there are a few distinctions: quilt show carnies do not smell like patchouli, nor do they resemeble hippies, and there are few men found within their tribes. The QSC can be found at "shows," usually a high school gynmasium or convention center, selling or trading various textiles and highly advanced metal artifacts. These shows attract hundreds, even thousands, of "quilters." Quilters and carnies alike are easily spotted by their puffball hair-dos in various shades of gray, wearable art, and really bad fashion sense. They carefully garb themselves in garments reflective of their different tribes as they prepare for the hunt. What is is that they hunt....? That all too elusive thimble made for fingers with long nails? That half yard of fabric in the perfect shade of orange to complement the car-themed quilt she's making for her husband? Or is it just a quest to increase the wealth of her stash?

Stay tuned to find out....

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