
It's kind of funny...

the way some parts of life work out. I think I might finally believe that expression about when a door closes a window opens. I'm not going to comment further at this time (clearly I am also on Alissa's "be as vague as possible in your blog" plan--hee hee!). I'm really only interested in musing publicly at the way things work out...and you never end up where you thought you would be. Which is perfectly fine with me b/c I feel like I'm where I'm supposed to be even though "this" and all that "this" is, is not what I saw for myself 8 years ago. Then again, I had no idea at the age of 18 of what and where I would be in the future and all that would happen along the way. Funny... Of course, I would never have gotten to "this" without my best and closest friends, so a big thank you to all of you for your support and love whether it's after the door has closed or when the window opened.

And a big thank you to FB for being amazing and wonderful you. I am so very lucky.

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