
Honk for Choice!

Michael and I put on our political activist hats, well, actually they were shirts, on Saturday and encouraged people to attend the March for Women's Lives and, yes, honk for choice. It was so cool! We went to 2 high-traffic spots to hold up signs a la the B*rma Sh@ve campaigns of the 1950's (http://www.fiftiesweb.com/burma.htm) and flanking each end of the group we had Honk for Choice signs. And lots and lots of people honked for choice. We had a few nasty responses and saw many a flipped bird, but for the most part, people seemed very supportive. Which is especially exciting in the conservative Queen City. Interestingly, derogatory comments were made by white middle-class men. A few white middle-class women gave the finger (at least the ones I saw fit that description) and there was very exuberant honking from African American men and women on more than one occasion. It was neat to see that supporters were both old and young, some rich and some poor, comprised of various ethnicities and I'm sure religious convictions. I grow more excited as the March draws near. Keep your fingers crossed for good weather!

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