
GBC 2004: A conversation with my 13 year-old self

Where to begin? First of all, don't pay any attention to the mean girls crap your friends have pulled (and will continue to until 10th grade) on you all this time b/c next year you are going to meet some awesome new friends who will remain steadfast and loyal 10+ years down the road.

And, yes, your boobs will finally grow. And someday you will look back on the pictures you took one night the summer you were 14--you know, the pictures you and Angie took after the two of you stuffed your bras with socks--and realize that your boobs are now the very size as you with your 14 year-old self with a bra full of socks. And you will find yourself wishing the boob fairy hadn't been quite so generous.

Boys. Hmph. Well, boys will cause you much pain and sorrow, but you will have a number of happy times before they systematically turn into a-holes. And men. In about 5 years, you are going to start dating much older men. Don't do it! Don't even think about it! But that's a story for 18 year-old Kelly. Anyway, boys are rotten brats at 13, so don't pay any attention to them.

Now for the biggie. Do well in school. A good education is very important, and believe it or not, doing well as early as jr. high is key. Make yourself study and don't let fear of admitting that you don't understand something get in the way of learning. And don't pay attention to Matthew. His intelligence is wasted on him.

Lastly, try to enjoy every moment of not having tons of homework or a job after school b/c in a few short years, you'll have both and you'll realize how precious free-time really is.

Thankfully, being 13 only happens once...The road ahead is often bumpy and a bit crazy, but you'll do just fine.

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