
A little bit of everything...

Most of you already know that the past few weeks have been pretty crazy for me. Between my job, mom, dog, brother, etc., I feel like I'm going a bit nuts. They changed my mom's double bypass operation 3 times in 3 days. Yes, you read that correctly: 3 times in 3 days. WTF?!? Angie managed to keep me from calling the doctor myself and blasting him for all the screw ups, so now I am gong to calmly write a letter to him detailing all the screw ups and let him know that I expect my mother to receive the best care possible going forward. In the meantime, she's receiving 70% of her pay while on short-term disability and every time her surgery gets pushed back, that hurts her financially.

The dog. Shana's arthritis is acting up lately. The vet thinks it's probably due in part to the weather change. Or maybe it's b/c Shana decides she should run around the house like a maniac and hurts her knee in the process. And this week's issue involves impacted anal sacs. I'll just leave it at that. No need to set off anyone's gag reflex over that one (including my own). The issue is being resolved and all is well in that area. Or will be shortly.

My brother. Hmph. Can't seem to be bothered to spend some time with my mother even tho he's only an hour by train to be with her. Meanwhile, I'm a minimum of 5.5 hours away and who knows what construction crap is going on between here and there.

My job. Our big fundraising efforts take place in September and October. Right now we are about $400,000 short of the goal we announced to the community. There are a lot of reasons for this projected shortfall and unfortunately, there is very little staff can do to close the gap. Fundraising is hard. Duh, I know. But it's hard not to take things personally when you know you've done the best you can do and still the companies with which you work don't raise as much money as expected. Or when your volunteers bail out...sigh.... A few more weeks and we'll announce what we raised and it will be time to start thinking about the next campaign.

Wedding planning. Well, not a whole lot going on there. Michael and I have been so busy lately and with my mom's surgery date changing all the time, we've had difficulty finding the time to make appointments with vendors. We still have a little more than 12 months to go, but I want to get the vendors taken care of as soon as we can.

So, that's pretty much it. Thanks to all of you for being so supportive and offering a sympathetic ear. I'm sure things will start to look up soon:>

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