
Oh, the bureacracy!

I smell a rant coming on...

I want to preface this by saying that I'm very grateful for the tuition remission benefit Michael gets at the university. But. The process of registering for and the taking of classes at said university has been nothing short of a pain in the arse. WTF?!?

First of all, signing up in the first place for classes was a big mess b/c Michael had to do the work of having me enrolled. He went to HR, who sent him to the bursar, who sent him back to HR, etc. until finally, he got me enrolled. This is only the first of many hoops thru which my beloved had to jump, although for the sake of brevity, I will only list the highlights below.

Then there was the fun and exciting part of acting as my academic advisor and getting me registered for classes. The first one, stats, had to be a class that was offered at night since I was still working full time. There was a class offered at 5:50 pm and it was full. So, because Michael knows the dept. chair, he contacts him to get me into the class and is successful (yay!). And, as you all know, I got a B in that class and all was right with the world.

So, then there's the registration bit for the winter semester. Because I am low woman on the student totem pole (I have the status of an undeclared freshman, apparently) I got wait-listed for a few classes and then there was this big pain in the butt over the classes that were offered that I needed to take all being taught at the same times on the same days of the week so what is a student to do!?!? Ultimately, I got into Abnormal Psych and Anatomy and Micro and Physiology, but then I had to drop Micro and Phys for reasons I won't bore you with here. But here's where the story takes an interesting turn:

Somehow, when I was dropping Micro and Phys, I got dropped from Anatomy (this occurred after the first week of class during the add/drop window of opportunity) and I DID NOT KNOW THIS HAD HAPPENED!

So, on May 10th, when grades are posted online, all I see is my Psych grade (got an A, btw) but no Anatomy grade. So, I call the registrar's office and am told that that means my prof never turned in the grades so I would have to contact her directly. Okay....so I email her and never get a response. So, finally, after 2 weeks of waiting, I call the department secretary who tells me that the roster shows that I dropped the class back in January!!!!! What the hell!!!!! I tell her that I dropped Phys 307 not Anatomy 305 so, she refers me back to the registrar. The registrar explains that somehow Michael dropped me from Anatomy via the online advisor webpage thingy (which he did NOT do, incidentally--the university uses this lame ass web crap for it's registration stuff. What ever happened to doing your schedule on paper, having your advisor sign it and walking it over to the registrar's office?) but notes that this problem can be corrected. (big sigh of relief here)

Alas, the dept. secretary comes to my aid and fills out the forms to have me retroactively added back to the class and submits my grade. I want to give a shout out to Laura who saved the day and is my new favorite person. As for my grade...I got an A.


Anonymous said...

You were softened up in that lame non-profit post you lodged yourself in. I can't with good conscience turn you loose on the world without hardening you up again. This, my dear, is the fast track to personal fortitude.

Kelly said...

Hi, Carl, I mean Universe:>

Carl said...
