

I'm supposed to be editing my 3-page paper written in APA format that absolutely cannot be more than 3 pages but requires ridiculous requests of 1.5 left and right margins, paragraph headers and Times New Roman 12 pt font (which I hate, by the way) and cannot get myself motivated to do it. I wrote it on Sunday...and I think I'm just tired of looking at it but I know my professor is going to ding me if it isn't perfect (duh). I can't bring myself to care.

This has not been a good week so far and it's only Tuesday. The dog is being a pain in the ass and refusing to pee (she's also counter surfing and required a $300 visit to the emergency vet for x-rays to make sure everything she ate came back up), Michael and I are in the Land of Miscommunication, I have a ton of reading to do and I'm not getting enough sleep at night. So instead of finishing the essay, reading any of my books, calling Pam for an appointment to deal with Esme's misbehavior or sleeping, I'm surfing the internets and am in total denial about everything. Also, even tho it's not as cold as where all of you are, it's cold enough that my hands are too cold to type without making a million typos. I feel like I need something to help me clear my head and get back on track. I've tried exercise and yoga. I've baked cookies. I've had a beer. Nothing works. Maybe a bubble bath? A vacation? A million dollars? A game of Sn00d?


Alissa said...

Oh no! Even the fudge cookies didn't help? I think those things could cure many ills. I'm sorry you're having a sucky week. Mwah.

gwen said...

Bleh. I'm sorry, lady. I can proofread your paper if it'll help.

Kelly said...

They helped later. I've been eating 2 a day since Sunday...someone stop me! The paper is turned in now but seriously, 3 pages? That's not nearly enough space and I spent way too much time editing it so now I'm still behind in reading. Blarg. Must carry on smartly, tho.

Chunky Photojournalist Barbie said...

That's a classic journalism school assignment. Take a really important thing and boil it down to the most important points in a specific way on a firm deadline. They want to see if you can wrap your head around the most important facts and ignore the fluff. Also they want to see if you can keep your facts straight under pressure. Poo, I say!