Hater...part II
Wow, straight off of the whole financial aid pain-in-the-ass-ness and here I am being subjected to automated call center hell just so I can make an effing doctor's appt. Whatever happened to just calling the doctor's office and making an appt. with a human being and being off the phone in, at most, 2 minutes? Gah. I hate everything.
8 minutes and 37 seconds later I have made an appt. It seems like sometimes advancing technology creates more work and takes more time to complete a task than just putting a schedule book in the hand of a single human being at the other end of the line. Durr.
Tomorrow I'll find something nice and wholesome to say about, I don't know...something.
Eh, rant about whatever, we're still here. If it makes you feel better, I just edited 7 "f&*ks" out of my last post. :-)
BTW, regarding FAFSA and dial-in numbers, hate them both. I was disconnected from my credit card company (which I had to call again because I was shut down for BS fraud alert because I bought prescription meds online! Gasp!) and then had to sit in the queue for 20 min. That was a want-to-chuck-the-phone-at-the-wall kind of day. So regarding your last few posts? Feel your pain. Hope tomorrow is better.
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