
Bad Blogger Kel-ly. Durn it. Just been so busy. So, here I am on a Monday afternoon and seriously dreading the meeting I have to go to in an hour. I swear time stands still during those meetings. I wish I had some candy to make it better...left all my candy at home and now will have to purchase candy from evil vending machine upstairs...

So, if you are looking for something to do this summer, why not come visit me? There's tons of stuff to go see and do and besides you'd be spending time with me...Doesn't that sound like fun? But don't come after the 3rd week of July. This is a strictly first half of the summer kind of offer. I miss you all so much and wish I could have come to Lanky for the so-called holiday weekend. Instead I did a mountain, yes a mountain, of laundry and attempted to find creative ways to store things in my tiny storage-less apartment. Really I should just put in giant shelving units on all the walls and eliminate the storage problem but then I couldn't have furniture. R-Maid needs to come up with a line of storage couches/chairs and the like. At least I have a roof over my head...

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