
Can I go home now?

Goodness. I just got here and already I want to go home. Part of it is that I have so much to do at work that I just don't know where to start (so I'll blog instead) and the other part is that it is a cool, rainy day that would be much better spent on my couch with a book and my dog and a cup of coffee in hand. The urge to take a mental health day was very real this morning.

Anyway, things have been busy around here. Work, social obligations, a never ending pile of laundry, just to name a few. But none of this stuff is even remotely interesting enough to post here. I don't have any epiphanies to report on, exciting trips to mention or fabulous work opportunities with which to make you all envious (even if it means running with the elephants). Just regular life stuff, despite the business of it all.

Perhaps on Monday I'll have something more interesting to mention. Michael and I will receive the final version of our financial plan (duh, duh, DUH!!!!) tomorrow, so maybe there will be something more post-worthy from that experience.

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