
Thank you and don't forget to Vote for...Cheney?

No, not Cheney, Change. Vote for Change. Michael and I spent a few hours volunteering with America Coming Together on Saturday and we were calling registered Democrats who are elegible to vote by absentee ballot (mostly people age 62+) and before we hung up, the script said "Thank you for your time and don't forget to Vote for Change on November 2nd." And one man I was talking to couldn't hear me very well and he thought I was telling him to vote for Cheney. No, not Cheney. Change. We only made calls for a couple of hours but I'm sure we'll continue to do things like that up until the election. I'm toying with the idea of taking the day off work on election day so I can volunteer at the polls. Maybe a half day b/c election day is only 2 days after our campaign closes and I'll still be running around like a chicken with its head cut off. One thing's for sure--I won't forget to vote for change.

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