As many of you know, Michael and I joined a CSA farm this year and are finally reaping the benefits of our fee and bi-weekly toil on the farm itself. Behold! Chard (apparently we're going to get a ton of this), green beans, tomatoes, banana peppers, corn, lettuce, jalapeno peppers and the very beginning of the carrot crop. This week's distribution is far more....plentiful...from our first distribution which consisted of 5 pea pods, a fistful of lettuce and 1 tiny radish. But then we didn't have rain for ages in the early spring so our veg was a bit stunted.
Anyway, I've already made fresh salsa and tonight I'm making a potato and chard gratin. We had some corn last night but until these braces come off I still have to cut the corn off the cob before I can eat it. Did you ever see the C@lvin & H0bbes strip where Calvin says "It's not summer unless you have corn smooshed in your teeth and butter dripping down your chin?" I'd say he's right on the money.