
Been a while....

Well, the last 3 weeks of freedom between summer sessions are now behind me and I'm back at school (a new school this time) for more punishment, I mean, chemistry. It was a very busy 3 weeks where I spackled, sanded, spackled and sanded our kitchen and it still isn't ready to be painted. Not ready. Durr. There's some hand sanding left and then the cleaning bit before I can put up a coat of primer. Not to mention the spackle dust that got inside all of my cabinets and drawers and all over my dishes and utensils.

I did some fun stuff in there, too, but talking about it makes me homesick for my friends so I'll just leave it at that.

And now I'm back in Ohio and back to the grind. Can't complain tho (that's not entirely true: my computer screen died so I had to send the whole thing to HP to be repaired and I officially hate all airports and TSA with such a passion that I'm going to put myself on some FBI watch list because I'm going to send them all hate email) b/c Michael and I are going to have a date night on Thursday and are going to see HP5. And? HP 7 is out on Friday night at midnight so you can find me at the local B&N waiting in line for my copy. Can't wait!

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