
One time at band camp...

So, WSU has a bunch of kiddies here for sleep away band camp and while that's not how we did band camp, it brings back the memories nonetheless. It's kind of fun to walk from building to building and hear the drum line or see the color guard and it reminds me of those few short summers where we (you know who you are) spent tons of time together laughing and carrying on all the live long day.

And this isn't the first time I've been thinking back to those days. When Michael and I were in Lankytown 2 weekends ago we went to HHS to play some tennis and the new courts are located on top of the old stadium parking lot where we learned our coordinates. It was kind of weird to be there, but not in a bad way, and "Yesterday" has been running through my head ever since. I think I've pretty much blocked most of the crummy memories from that time so all that remains are the funny, amazing, loud and crazy times we had. Sometimes, when I'm feeling homesick, that's what I'm homesick for. Band camp. Go figure.


Anonymous said...

I know, right? band camp. for sure, I'm with you.

Chunky Photojournalist Barbie said...

Even with my crazy memory, the one that remembers all the good times *and bad* that are sometimes still so clear that they make me swear out loud, what I mostly remember is the laughter.