
The Fummer is back...I had the lovliest weekend. I got a full night's rest Friday and Saturday nights and had 2 naps that lasted 3-5 hours in length. It was...lovely...I went to the grocery store and the bank and the car wash and that was it. The rest of the time was spent lazing about my apartment. I did do laundry, tho. I had to, I was out of underwear. And now I am out of quarters.

So, yes, I did the moving thing and cleaned out my mom's house. I brought home an entire car load of stuff and my uncle took, like, 6-7 boxes with him to be picked up by me next weekend. How have I accumulated so much damn stuff? Part of it is b/c I am a woman and women get strapped with things like, china, for example, and tea sets and music boxes and tons of shit I don't need. But since it's worth $60 a plate, I'll keep it. And so I gave away the crib M and I both used, as well as the bassinette, and the B*rbie corvette (that was mine). Also, the CP Kids, stuffed animals out the wazoo, board games and the like. And then I went thru the boxes in my closet with letters from Andy B***n written in marker, old M*rch*nd*ser's with the marching band group photo on the front, notes, notes, notes folded in various shapes, group notebooks (that reminds me, where is the CJ?), and about a hundred birthday and holiday cards. I found more pictures (Ang, the ones from the night we stuffed our bras--little did we know that someday we would be so naturally and fabulously endowed) and old yearbooks and you name it, I saved it. It's so funny to look back on that time in my life, our lives. And here we are now...I wonder what's next?

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