
My Fictitious Weekend....

Well, what would have been nice would be to wake up Saturday morning to discover that I did not have to give a presenation and could instead go back to bed for a few more hours. Then, when I woke up, I would find that my entire apartment have been cleaned by mysterious fairy people or similar, and even the dog would have been bathed:> Then there would have been a scrumptious breakfast and the words "fl*x points" would not have been uttered once. Oh, and someone would have done all the grocery shopping for me so I could lounge on my couch (no longer a crummy futon but a big fluffy couch for sitting and napping and more sitting and napping) and read books all day.
Other than that, I really did have a nice weekend and thanks to all of you for your many birthday wishes! Almost forgot--having a yummy massage from some hot shirtless guy named Manuel would have been nice;>

Now for a digression from the pre-planned GBC topic.....this year, I finally felt as though I was older. Normally, I don't feel any older after a birthday but this year was different. I don't know if it's b/c I am that much closer to 30 (which I believe to be the magic age so I am not upset about that) or if I finally have a place of my own and ergo I pay rent (that's a rather adult thing to do) or if it's b/c I have embarked upon a real life career path.....I'm not sure. Either way, it's been an exciting year and much has happened. And, funnily enough, I am in the same place I was last year regarding employment. At least this time I know I will have a job, but I don't know where. And I have real health insurance this time. Very exciting!



an-tis-i-pay-shun? Well, we've all had times when we eagerly anticipate something: an event of some sort, a new HP book, good news about a job, etc. Of course, there is the other side of that, the self-doubt, that occasionally plagues fun anticipatory thoughts. Currently, some of the things I am anticipating are: job offers from this organization and others (but what it I only get one offer?), my date tonight (wouldn't it just be nice to curl up in front of my new DVD player and finally see the first season fo SITC?), seeing my parents over the holidays (seeing my parents over the holidays?)....
Oftentimes, anticipation is the fun part b/c the event/situation is over so quickly, but you know, I'm starting to feel a little stressed. Just about the job thing really. Dates and HP books are fun and exciting (HP is on a consistent basis but dates aren't always) but the job thing is a little unnerving.

That's my bit on anticipation--it's hard not to let the job issue cloud my entry but that's what's going on here in my part of the world.


I am anxiously awaiting G's pick for "themed blogs" for our group o' friends. Until the designated theme for the week becomes known, I better do some work. Have a good day!


....and another one bites the dust....


This is the 3rd time I am entering this post....durr....need internet access at home. Maybe next year when I am a full-fledged employee instead of a "Fellow" (see intern in the dictionary). Anyway, I had one of moments this week that reminds you of why you put up with the sucky parts of your job and validates your career path of choice. I was at a well-known company headquartered here in Cinti giving a presentation. Part of the presentation involved hearing from a service-recipient (let's call her Ruby) from one of our funded agencies, and I cannot tell you how excited she was to be there. First, the company sent a black stretch limo to pick her up and then presented her with brand new glasses (guess what the company does...?) after her portion of the presentation. The company even paid her a day's wages b/c she had to take a day off of work to come do this presentation. I will tell you, Ruby has had a very exciting year. She got to meet a Hall of Fame baseball player last month and this week she had her very first limo ride. It was a very touching moment for everyone and expecially b/c Ruby was so genuinely thrilled to be there and the employees were obviously affected by the happiness and joy that Ruby shares with everyone she meets. This is why I come to work everyday (I know I didn't want to get out of bed this morning, that's for sure). It is such a beautiful thing when you can meet a person whose life you have touched and to work with a company that is so committed to this community.

In other news, I have removed my personal ads and have begun a dating hiatus. The emotional f*ckwittage was becoming unbearable and I know I deserve better. Bunch of freakin' crap, I tell you. Besides, with the end of my fellowship fast approaching, it's better to make that decision to stay here or go to another organization without the distraction of some cute boy....Given my last post, maybe I should start migrating toward New England to facilitate the building of my Spinster Lodge in VT......


Blarg...it's the end of the day and I am ready to go home. I wish I could say that I got to visit an amusement park over the weekend (like some people I know) but I had an equally nice time in Chick-a-go with my mom. We saw M*mma M*a and had a great time. And it turns out that we had dinner next to the male lead at the faboo Gr*nd L*x Cafe. For once my brother works at a decent restaurant (altho the OG does make a good strawberry margarita).

And yesterday I had a date with a nice boy with whom I have a lot in common but I'm not feeling any sparks. Durr. Now I know why people get married--so they can stop dating! To be honest, I don't really like all this dating stuff. Bleah. And who the heck knows what men are thinking when they go from calling you everyday to falling off the face of the earth. Whatever. G & A, we may as well start building our house in VT....