
Nothing Exciting...

Yep, that's us. Nothing exciting to report. Not that this is a bad thing, mind you, but it doesn't make for entertaining blogging. So, Asia is doing well. She's two weeks into the 4 week must-stay-calm-at-all-times post-treatment phase and continues to do well. Little brat found some cat poo today while out on a walk, tho. And when I say found, that means found and promptly gobbled it up before Michael could get her away from it. Brat. Did I mention that this dog really, really like prunes? Prunes. She won't eat peanut butter (tell me what dog doesn't eat peanut butter) but she LOVES prunes. She can't get enough of them. The good thing is that I found a cheaper alternative to the smelly wet fish food crap she normally gets to eat whilst I sneak up on her to give her an allergy shot.

You know, I think 'whilst' is a good word. Whilst. Whilst. Whilst. Whilllllsssssttttttt. It just trips right of the tongue.

Anyway, other than dog stuff, Michael had an interview last week and has another one at the end of the month. Hopefully he'll get a job offer from either place (preferably the one in NY) and then we'll know where we're moving and when and all that stuff. But, no more about that...I don't want to jinx him (yes, I sort of believe that I could. I know it's stupid).

Blarg. Being an adult really sucks sometimes. There's bills to pay, taxes to do, a home to do lots of expensive aesthetic things to, jobs to find, jobs to struggle through until your husband finds a job in another city...blarg, blarg, blarg. And being grown up enough to have the kind of conversations with your parents that make you realize that they're people too and not just your parents. And finding out that your parents probably never really loved each other in the first place is hard. Very, very hard. Everyone wants to think that her/his parents love(d) each other, at least a little. And knowing that you can never go home again to the home of your childhood when you didn't have the awareness that your parents' marriage wasn't so different from that of your friends' parents' marriages...is just hard. There is no "home" to go home to anymore. Just goes to show that you never really outgrow the desire to go home to parents who love you and still love each other. Even when you know it'll never happen you can't help yourself from thinking about it. And, yes, there's my home with my wonderful husband and our dog but sometimes...I just want to go "home."

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