

If Michael had a blog I would have tapped him for a meme but he doesn't so, like the meme he did on me, I'm going to do one on him. So, here are 6 weird things about my husband, the Tall Man:

  • His total willingness to talk to strangers in public/make faces at children who are in line ahead of us at the grocery store. I really don't understand this one.
  • Male Pattern Blindess. Need I say more?
  • He almost never puts salt on his food or uses it when cooking. In fact, when we first met, he didn't have a salt and pepper shaker. If he needed salt or pepper, he'd go get the big Morton's salt canister or the McCormick's pepper tin out of the pantry. Nothing like salting your food with the pour spout in a canister of salt.
  • Total lack of understanding about why you can't wear a brown belt with black shoes. Or wearing a tan shirt with tan pants (desert fatigues anyone?). Or pleated pants. I hate pleated pants. In fact, our very first fight was about pleated pants.
  • Even when he's cold, he won't put on a long sleeve shirt. He'll just be cold.
  • Total aversion to body products that aren't toothpaste, deoderant, Pert Plus and Irish Spring. God forbid he have to use a bar of Olay soap in the shower. Or (gasp) use conditioner. Conditioner! Perish the thought!


Alissa said...

dude. Please tell me how you won the pleated pants argument (because I am assuming you win everything ;). I have not yet figured out how to win that argument. And I keep trying.

Kelly said...

It's true, I usually win but not always. Michael refuses to wear short athletic socks in favor of tube socks (not the Napoleon Dynamite socks, tho).

As for pleated pants, ultimately I won b/c I bought him flat-front pants every time a pleated pair wore out until there were no more pleated pants in the closet.

Alissa said...

lol. I think that would work, since Todd doesn't like shopping and would probably just wear what was in the closet. :)

Kelly said...

I'm telling you, it works. I get Michael's pants from Penney's b/c they sell pants for the mutantly tall online so I don't even have to leave the house. It's brilliant!

Anonymous said...

thanks for the tip for the mutantly tall...it will come in handy!
Do they have shirts with extra-long sleeves too? By the time the sleeves are long enough in something, the body is two-times too big.

Kelly said...

Yes! That's the great part! I can buy a dress shirt for Michael that has nice long sleeves without the torso part having enough fabric to cover the entirety of a baby elephant. That's what's so annoying about big and tall stores: they're for big AND tall men, not just big men, or tall men but both. So not helpful. And Penney's usually sends you a coupon afterwards so you get a nice little discount on your next purchase.