
Detox Diet - Day 1, or why the hell am I doing this to myself?

So, my anatomy professor has mentioned detoxifying diets a few times in class and so...well, I decided I'd like to do a little experiment and try one out. Except there's way too many diets from which to choose so I put together something that's a little bit of a couple of different diets. And because I'm the one who cooks (and grocery shops) in our house, my wonderful husband gets to try this fun experiment with me (love you, honey).

So, basically we're doing 7 days of all veg, no dairy, no processed foods (except canned tomatoes and beans), no sugar and no caffeine. Really, I just want to see if I feel any different after this is over. I'm not sure I'm really detoxifying anything since I'm not doing any of the weird shit the books tell you to do like drinking room-temperature water with half a lemon squeezed into it. Not that lemon water is all that weird but I HATE lemon water with a passion. Nasty stuff. And room temperature? What's with that? But, one of the books recommends having a clinician inject you with pregnancy hormones. WTF? Anyway, I'm not drinking any weird concoctions or juicing my own veg...I'm just taking a break from processed foods, dairy and caffeine. The caffeine headache has been the worst part but there's only 6 more days to go!

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