
Tell me I'm crazy...

Because I must be certifiably insane. Despite all the painting/sanding/cleaning/packing/scrubbing/more painting/painting/painting that I did in the 3 months from job offer to move I find myself wanting to paint. I'm crazy, right?

See, we're moving into a rental house and all the walls are white. White. Ick. Admittedly, the crazy 1970's gold patterned wallpaper in the bathroom was really ugly, but they've since painted those walls white and it's okay in the bathroom and even the kitchen but not elsewhere. And they did take down that hideous dark wood paneled wall in the living room but now, you guessed it, the wall is white. But, we're starting small and there won't be any prep work. We're going to paint the 2 bedrooms in Adobe Straw (by Behr but we're going to find an equivalent in Valspar) and after that, we'll consider doing the living room and dining room later on.

I also want to take down the shower doors and replace with a curved shower rod and a cute shower curtain...not sure if we'll do that right away. I would also like a "tall man" toilet like the ones we purchased for our house in Dayton. After that, some nicer window treatments to cover up the ugly vertical and horizontal blinds that are all over the house and spiffing up some of the landscaping out back will be about it. Really. I swear. I know Michael is reading this and shaking his head (hi, honey!) but it'll be worth it. Right?


gwen said...

Paaaaaaainnnt! Paint paint paint. I was cursing it by the end in our (also rented) apartment, but it's been so incredibly worth it. We also used Valspar, and although you totally know more about paint than I do so this is probably no surprise, we were able to get away with only one coat over the primer in every room except the ones we painted blue.

What color is Adobe Straw? Yellow-ish, I am guessing?

Kelly said...

No, sort of taupe-y. I'm thinking Lowe's was not a good idea b/c as I wandered down the aisles I got all teary thinking about our house in Dayton. I wish we could have put the whole house on the truck and move it here. I miss my house...

But, yes, it is worth it and we'll be very pleased when we're done.

Cara said...

Paint away, and then go to Targee or someplace similar and buy some less expensive, lovely things to refurnish the place. Cute shower curtains, a cute rod, etc. Do y'all have Fred Meyer there? If so, then that is a great place for good value home furnishings. :-)