
Can't wait to move, can't wait to move, can't wait to move...sigh...of course, moving is a complex and hgihly stressful event full of what to keep and what stays and what goes and where it will all go. Not looking forward to the physical act of moving, as in, not looking forward to a 13 hour drive (lots of pee stops for me and MuttButt) and like, 20 bucks in tolls and goddess knows what in gas money. Did you know that the Chicago (Chick-ah-go for fans of Married With Children) has the 4th highest price for gas in the U.S? There are some advantages to living so close to the IL/IN state line b/c it's at least 30 cents cheaper in IN. I paid $1.29 for gas today. I remember when gas cost me $.75 a gallon. Of course, my parents remember when gas was 25 cents per gal so no contest. They also remember when a Coke was 5 cents and smokes were 25 cents a pack. Ah, the good old days of "cancer research" as Matthew calls it. Hee hee. Well, I've been thinking a lot about Gwen's Fri 5; the one about the definition of "home." When we moved to PA, home was always Indianapolis. And 1100 Harriet Ave was home for 14 years until the first floor of Weis Hall became home for 3 years. And now, Cal. City is home (but not for much longer) but PA is soon to be home again. So what is "home"? I think that home is where all or most of your crap is. I've been saying that since I went to F&M b/c technically, most of your crap is still at your parents' house at that point. And then for those of us who no longer live with both of our parents, "home" morphs into wherever you are, regardless of where your crap is. Soon enough, I will have crap at my mom's and dad's houses and I will not be residing in either place. So I guess that "home" is wherever my dog is b/c she is home to me. And let's not forget the Gaul House that has always been like home away from home but since I won't be living there either...And last but not least, home is also wherever "Bed Paradise" is and that can be anywhere you want it to be. It can be in a crappy hotel room or a dorm room or your ex-boyfriend's spare bedroom...Well, enough of that. Must go to Bed Paradise right now and read my new Alton Brown cookbook. Love to all, K.

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