
Definitely need a new job. Angie, I think you will find this amusing. I got a call from a patient today who wanted to tell me that her urine was yellow. I wanted to be like "EVERYBODY'S PEE IS YELLOW!" but that wouldn't have been very nice. So I told her to drink more water and stay away from excessive amounts of coffee, etc. I did get another raise, not much, but more than the last raise which is nice, but not nice enough to keep me there. I might have mentioned that already so forgive me if I am being redundant (sp?). So, lots and lots of ibuprofen has been keeping the tooth aches at bay but I am hoping to scootch my appt with new nice dentist to early next week. As long as it doesn't interfere with "STD BINGO"! That's right, I am going to play STD Bingo with a bunch of high school kiddies in about 10 days. We are going to vist some health classes and talk about std's and pregnancy and birth control and all that b/c according to the health teacher, every other girl is pregnant with her first or second kid. Scary. But anyway, STD BINGO! Very exciting! I'll be sure to let you know how it goes. In light of Angie and Alissa's recent adventures in scary Miami and slightly scary rafting falling out of the boat fiasvo, my life is really darned boring. I will say that I prefer boring to mysterious yeast infection creams found within a liter bottle of Coke. And I really don't relish the idea of falling out of a boat but I would love to try whitewater rafting. Can't be that much harder than crew practice in the pouring rain.

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