
The downside to CA...

Well, to be honest, there is more than one downside but today it involves the fact that being this far away means that I can't be proximal to my mother when there's trouble in the family. My mom's cousin and step-sister by marriage is dying of cancer and while they weren't terribly close, it's still a sad time. My mom's family has been through a lot of late and I wish I could be with her during these times. But now that I'm out here, I can't just hop in the car and drive East. Boo.

On top of that, we've started looking for an apartment and the cost of living here is enough to induce an anxiety attack. We've discovered that anything that costs less than $1600/month is almost always a crap hole. And, frankly, the older I get, the less likely I am to lower my standards on things like this and I am not living in a crap hole just to save a couple hundred bucks a month. I told my financial planner as much last night. I also told him I'd rather postpone retirement (why yes, we do have a retirement plan and I highly recommend that you get one) by a few more years than live in squalor. Not that we'd ever live in squalor but you know what I mean. So...it looks like something in the $1800 to $2000 range for us. That is a lot of money. A lot. And, yes, I knew it would be like this and the cost of living in most large cities is about the same but still. The sticker shock. It kills me. Boo. I say boo.


Cara said...

I feel your pain. I'm sorry. California! Sunny! Great jobs! Crappy-ass rent market! Wine country! $850K for a fixer-upper in a crap neighborhood! Woo hoo!

Enough with the exclamation points. Welcome to the west coast, and I will gladly buy you a $16 mojito in either Seattle or the Bay Area to welcome you properly to the Coast of Exorbitant Prices. :-)

Kelly said...

Thanks for the reminder of all that is good here--I'm might need more of those reminders in the future:> I can't wait to have a $16 mojito with you--woo!