
Finally in Cali...

And it's about darned time! So, my dear husband met me at the airport with a potted hydrangea (while a bouquet of flowers might have been more romantic all of our vases are currently on the moving truck) in one hand and D0ritos in the other...sigh...he's so sweet. Anyway, we headed home to the dog and then took a picnic lunch to the park adjacent to our apartment. Michael made me dinner and kept refilling my champagne glass until I feel asleep, exhausted, at 7:30 before the Simpsons came on tv.

The rest of the week has been pretty relaxing thus far. We got library cards Tuesday night and I brought home 2 books; I'm starting with the book on Queen Elizabeth. Last night we went to an information session at the nursing school I'm applying to. I found out that the deadline for Jan. 1 admission is July 1st and there is not even enough time to submit the app, ask for and receive 2 letters of reference, have transcripts sent or take the standardized test that has become the bane of my existence. Why, oh, why does it have to be this fcking difficult to finish a second undergraduate degree? Why? So, now I will be on track to apply in November for a June 2009 start date. In the meantime, I'm waiting to hear back from someone, anyone for that matter, in the admissions dept so we can sit down and go over my transcripts to ensure that all previous classes and pre-reqs will transfer. Blarg.

Tonight, we are doing something I hope will be more fun. FandM is having an alumni event in downtown San Fran at 5:30 so I'm about to go put on my face and then go meet Michael so we can take the train in. We might be going up to Sonoma this Sunday for wine tasting but we haven't nailed down the details yet. I'm anticipating many fun adventures will ensue and I'll be sure to share them here. In the meantime, here are some photos of my immediate surroundings:

The Str@ight-Turner Compound. There are gates everywhere. Plus this lovely
parking garage thing-y is nice, too.

A fountain next to the S@feway where we shop--pretty, no?

The dog spends much of her day sleeping under the bed. This bed is not "Tall Man Friendly" and therefore is much lower to the ground than the one we own. You should see her trying to crawl in and out from under it. Silly dog.


Michael said...

Your dog is weird.

Anonymous said...

have fun!

Anonymous said...

Aw, so nice to see your new Cali home! You should climb into that fountain someday...