
So much to do and not enough time...

So....I leave the state I've called home for the last 5+ years in 10 days. 10 days. 10 DAYS! I am so not ready. Physically ready, that is. I've put off the remainder of the packing in part b/c we had an open house yesterday and we wanted it to still be "staged" but now the furious packing must begin. I'm struggling with this b/c I know that I have 2 smallish suitcases out of which I will live until the 15th and I just don't know what I'm going to need and I can't make myself think that far ahead.

In the meantime, I'm trying to say my goodbyes and that's hard to do. We know we won't be coming back to OH any time soon so unless our friends and family come to see us in Cali we won't be seeing anyone for a long time.

And yet I feel a bit anxious to get the heck out of dodge. I just want to be with my husband and my dog and I no longer care much about anything else. I want to get back to some semblance of "normal" and the only way to do that is to be with my beloved and our mutt. But it's only 10 more days. 10 days. That's going to go by quickly.


Cara said...

I'm so sorry about the stress and the craziness.

I moved out to Seattle in 1999 the day I graduated from college to live with the man who is now my ex. It was crazy, stressful, and weird. I didn't see my family members for a long time after that. I had lived in Joisey up to that point for all_my_life.

I hope the house sells soon and Cali holds lots of good adventures to come for all of you. You're more than welcome in Seattle anytime, and we'd love to come by for a visit (we'll stay elsewhere :-) when you're settled in to see your new digs and take you out to dinner.

Kelly said...

Yes--visitors, please! We'll go to the Stinking Rose. The fact that we're going to live in an area that is cool enough to visit gives me hope that friends will want to come.