
I made it to NJ for the remainder of the weekend. I made good time, too--only 2.5 hrs. I was under the impression that people from Jersey are crazy drivers and speed everywhere, however, almost all the drivers with NJ plates were driving UNDER the damned speed limit. That is so annoying. Nevertheless, I allowed my roomates to drag me on a whirlwind tour of their favorite weekend hot spots. I finally saw the notorious Rich Meyer show and a good time was had by all. Then we were dragged to a club a few blocks away full of good looking young people wearing too tight clothes. Dancing was good, tho, and great music. Now, I am not really a clubbing kind of person, but we had a good time and I might be ready to do it again in another year:> And stupidly, I wore impractical shoes that hurt the hell out of my feet all because they looked great with my outfit. That was so dumb. And I knew that when I packed them. After a few short hours of sleep, we had brunch and headed to the beach. SB had to work so M and I just hung out by the guard chair and had some fun in the sun for a couple of hours. Water was nice and I managed to excape with only a slight burn on my shoulders. That's what happens when you wear expired sunscreen. Oops. It was nice to see my roomates and can't wait for Alumni Weekend in October so we can do it again. Shana is recovering nicely from her little bout with gastritis. And, she played with Killian for the first time at the tennis courts last night! This is a big deal for her since she's been traumatized by attacks by other dogs when we were in Chicago. I'm very excited for her--she is making excellent progress.

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