
I am sooo bad at blogging. Anyway, weekend in NJ with the roomates cancelled on account of doggie gastritis. Poor baby. If I had to miss this weekend for any reason, this would be it. So, now I am home boiling hamburger and rice and cleaning up little piles of vomit and forcefeeding doggie Tagamet to my dog. Whew. I don't know if I can handle all this excitement. There is a possibility that I can drive to NJ tomorrow evening and come back Sunday. We will have to wait and see. It depends on a certian furry mutt butt. Still no job and starting to realize that it's soon time to head for the temp agencies. Unlike someone I know, I don't collect unemployment while I look for a new job. Not going back to I's, tho. No way. So....last weekend was a lot of fun. And I really LIKED our salmon (Scott). It was awfully darned good for having been purchased at Stauffer's in Lititz. Craft show was okay. Too many vendors selling chenille scarves. It was the same old group of carnies like every other time. We had fun anyway. I hate to say this, but Austin Powers was very funny. It should have been shorter, tho, by about 45 minutes. Fun nonetheless. Thank you all for a nice weekend. Must get back to boiling rice and hamburger. I want to come back as my dog in my next life.

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